So now onto a lighter note, my day! well I started off with some vegan french toast..not bad but syrup would have been awesome : ( boo for bad foods tasting so good!
for my snack I had some strawberry soy yogurt. I hate normal yogurt, but let me yogurt just tastes purely like fruit. it's so good! I totally got coffee this morning and forgot all about it. it sat up at the front desk at work until like noon before I realized I forgot about it. lol.
For lunch I had a tasty baby spinach, strawberry, and sunflower seed salad.
when I got home from work I had a banana, then went for a 2.5 mile run. I have a love/hate relationship with running. I hate doing it, but i love that I CAN do it. I'll be excited to get back into a gym though and take some classes at eastern, it gets lonely working out alone, and it's not easy staying motivated sometimes. But I gotta do it! So for my afternoon snack I had some carrots, mini sweet peppers and oooohhh yyyeeaaaa HUMMUS!
For dinner I made amaranth with a tomato, spinach, and mushroom sauce. Now this is my first time cooking amaranth. It's like baby quinea : P but it seems like it takes longer to cook and I'm not sure I like it as much as quinea. I didn't notice too much of a taste difference, but because of the size the amaranth was harder.
So that was day 5 in a nutshell, along with some other thoughts i had today. I do know one thing that will unfortunately keep me from being vegan full time...eating out!! It's a nice time that I have with my family and unfortunately because I live so far away from any restaurant that would make anything vegan aside from a salad, there are no options to eat out : ( it saddens me, but I love the time with my husband and with my son where we get to splurge and enjoy a nice meal outside the house. so this weekend and next will be a difficult forfeit of eating out time, but I shall carry on! s for me, I'm signing off! good night, sleep tight, and don't let the crazies bite!!!
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