It was a hard day to start on considering it was memorial day and we were having a cookout but I did it : ) So here's a small recap.
Started my day with some oatmeal with fresh strawberries and blueberries.
Now we were super busy cleaning and preparing for people to come over so I did not get my morning snack in, but I had some delicious edemame and quinoa salad for lunch and I added half a peanut butter sandwich on ezekiel grian bread.
I also didn't get an official workout in yesterday, but I did to a solid leg workout sunday so I guess yesterday was my rest day instead of sunday : ) We had a great time with our friends at the cookout
So for supper I had fruits and veggies along with a grilled portabello mushroom cap with a slice of vegan cheese on ezekial bread. As a snack later I had a sodelicious coconut milk ice cream sandwich. So that was how I spent my day 1 of my vegan challenge : )
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